North Bend Weather Station / Site Status

North Bend Weather Weather

North Bend Weather Display Upload Status

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
26-Jul-2024 9:29:19pm PDT
Weather Display Raw(10.37S-(b123)) Current 3 26-Jul-2024 9:29:16pm PDT
Weather Display Tags (10.37S-(b123)) FTP Current 271 26-Jul-2024 9:24:48pm PDT
Mobile North Bend Weather Current 271 26-Jul-2024 9:24:48pm PDT
Weather Display ClientRaw Extra Current 81 26-Jul-2024 9:27:58pm PDT
Weather Display ClientRaw Hour Current 80 26-Jul-2024 9:27:59pm PDT
North Bend Weather Webcam
Does not update between sunset and sunrise
Current 270 26-Jul-2024 9:24:49pm PDT
North Bend Weather Local Advisories Current 884 26-Jul-2024 9:14:35pm PDT
Surrounding Area Weather Advisories Current 884 26-Jul-2024 9:14:35pm PDT
Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
26-Jul-2024 9:29:19pm PDT
North Bend Weather Record Extra Current 21.48 26-Jul-2024 12:00:16am PDT
North Bend Weather Daily NOAA Report Current 21.3 26-Jul-2024 12:11:22am PDT
North Bend Weather Monthly NOAA Report Current 21.3 26-Jul-2024 12:11:19am PDT

North Bend Weather PC Status

Weather Station server up for 0 Days 1 Hours 56 Minutes 23 Seconds
Weather Station server free memory 22.79GB
Weather Display Software last started 7:33:38 PM 7/26/2024
Current Weather Display Software Version 10.37S-(b123)
VP ISS Status Ok
VP Reception 84%
VP Console Battery 4.6